Getting Started relies on SoaringSpot. On a contest day when the organisers wish to set a DHTask, the process looks like this:


  1. Contest administrator creates an account at, verifies the account and signs in.
  2. Contest must be fully populated in Soaring Spot including
    • Contest itself
    • Classes
    • Entrants
    • Task – the task must have the “Use task from IGC file” option checked under “Contest Day Properties > Task”
    • API Keys must be available (both Client ID & Secret).
  3. Each time a new competition is added to the API keys must be registered in the system. If this is required, after login click “Add” or follow this link Copy and paste the API Keypair into the fields and click “Submit“. If the contest hasn’t been populated yet, click “Click here to populate contest data“. Once the script has finished pulling data from SoaringSpot, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Processing completed successfully. Click here to open this comp“.
  4. Under “Contest“, populate each of the values (airfield elevation, timezone, etc). If the contest has started, set the “Is contest currently active?” switch to yes.
  5. To enable the emailing of CUP files to competitors, populate each Entrant (under “Entrants” page) with an email address.
  6. The waypoint handicapping calculations will need to be performed for each task. Click on “Tasks” and click on “Task Actions” to access the task in question.
  7. Select which waypoints you wish to make variable, and click “Generate CUP Files“.

Once the cup files have been generated, you can either email them to the entrants (via the “Email Cup Files” button), or the entrants can sign in to using their email address and the 4 digit pin and download the CUP file.


Entrants can submit their IGC file in one of two ways:

  1. Buy logging in to using their email address and 4 digit PIN (as specified on the “Entrants” page.
  2. By emailing the task file to ensuring that the email received by the application contains some identifiable information:
    • Sender Email Address matches the one listed on “Entrants” page.
    • Sender Name matches pilot name.
    • Glider registration or contest ID is contained in email subject.

Once an IGC file has been provided scoring will take place automatically.